You probably have no idea

how important you are

to me

on days like today


I woke up despondent

you picked me up, you refocused me

you reminded me to believe

in me.

My tribe.

Today, the day before Spring Break, I woke up feeling purple (a way deeper shade than blue). Like many Fridays, it was an instructional coach day; a day of learning, camaraderie, and recharging. A day my tribe helped pull me from my own dark day without even knowing.



6 thoughts on “My Tribe

  1. Awwww, Nina! Just say it was the banana bread. I wrote about what you were telling me…solve the problem, ignore the behavior! You are amazing and awesome. Enjoy your week off. xoxoxo

  2. I thought I would read some posts for inspiration before trying to write today. Your post reminded me how much our “tribe” pulls us through. Now I know what to write. Loved this!

  3. Life is so much harder without a few in your corner. Glad that tribe was able to pull you out of the purple funk and now spring break is ahead. šŸ™‚

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